Why are the costs of computer / console games increasing?

The cost of some of the games for the latest consoles are spiralling and making them unaffordable to many. The New Xbox or PS5 will set you back in excess of £500. This is a huge amount of money to fork out to start with but if you then think that each new release that you buy could cost you between £50 and £100 pounds each, you may son find that you simply cannot afford to get the games you…

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Have you got what it takes to get in to game development?

Lots of children and young teenagers dream about getting into gaming development. The thought of getting paid to play games all day may sound like fun but often the reality is quite different. When it comes to creating computer or console games such as FIFA, Call of Duty or Minecraft there are a number of different people involved. You will obviously need the developers who write the code for the game. You may also have designers who will plan out…

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Are you getting addicted to that computer game?

When we think of addictions, we don’t usually think about hobbies such as gaming, but gaming can actually be an addiction for many and this has become even more apparent since lockdown hit and more and more people found themselves at home. An addiction is something that you cannot live without. You may feel worried or anxious at the thought of being without it and you may even get angry if you cant have it. This is how some people…

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Teaching children about coding

Coding is no longer just something that web programmers and game programmers do, it is now a skill that is taught at school even to children as young as primary age. Many different technologies that we use now a days rely on programming and it is likely that this will get more and more over the years. Programming is basically writing instructions in a language that computers understand. Simple task such as telling a character to walk forward in a…

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Should you let your child spend their pocket money on in app purchase?

There are so many different types of games available on tablets, games consoles and phones. Often many children have access to at least one of these types of device and overtime they may not be satisfied with just playing the free and basic games. Many of the app type games are free to play but then offer in app purchases to get more coins or gems or to allow you to complete tasks quicker. These games make their money not…

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