For many people, playing video games is a hobby they love to do. Whether it be on the PC, handheld console, PlayStation or Xbox, people from all over the world play locally or online in their spare time. But did you know that you could actually use your hobby as a way of raising money for your favourite charity?
Lots of charities have special events that people can join. These often include sporting activities such as swimming or running or maybe a baking competion, but more and more charities are turning to gamers to help them secure much needed funds.
If you are an avid gamer then have a look around to see what gaming challenges there are that you could take part in. Often you will find that lots of people do a 24 hour gaming challenge. They then get people to sponsor them to stay up all night and play solidly for 24 hours. The money they raise then gets donated to that charity. If the charity you support doesn’t do this, then why not approach them and ask if they would be happy for you to help organise one locally to raise money for them as they are often looking for new ways to help gain financial support.